Serving Customers With Specialized Hobby Data

Atlas Alpha Inc is focused on gathering specialized hobby data and using it to solve problems. Our first product is the Board Game Atlas consumer site and we've now grown to offer SaaS solutions for game retailers.

Board Game Atlas

In talking to customers we've quickly been expanding how we productize our data.

We serve both businesses and every day consumers now.

Consumer Website

This is a forum, product information lookup, and price comparison website for products.


We've built an API to access our unique set of data for developers to build on with over 1,000 registered apps.

Retailer Solutions

We've built 3 custom solutions for marketing, product selection, and competitor analysis for retailers to grow their business.

New Verticals

We're building out the model within board games but we're going to be expanding into new verticals in the near future.

Tangential Hobbies

In serving board game retailers we are getting pulled into tangential verticals naturally to offer them more products. We'll likely be launching new prodcuts related to the following.

Magic: the Gathering



Other TCG/CCG products

New Verticals

There are completely different verticals that we're doing initial research on market size, product categories, and current solutions to see if they'd be worth bringing our model to. These include the following.




430+ other categories we've prioritized

Get In Touch

Please use any of the following ways to contact us.

+1 805 316 0127

Email Address:

Office Address:
979 Osos Street, F4
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401